EDBE 8Y08 Post No. 1 // Jess + Genius Hour

Hi there!
My name is Jess - but on a professional note, you can call me Mrs. Derksen.

     Over the next six weeks I will be using this blog as a platform to share my progress with the Genius Hour project I am exploring in my 'Teaching Digital Learners in the Digital Age' course (otherwise known as EDBE 8Y08). My first task in this class is to:
1. Publish my first blog post explaining what a Genius Hour is, and
2. Let you in on a little information about myself.

So let's get to it!

1. What on Earth is a Genius Hour?

     If you don't know what a genius hour is you're not alone, I didn't either - until yesterday! Genius Hour was a term I often heard being thrown around by students and educators, but never really took the time to research what it was. 'Why bother researching it when I'm never going to have to use it' - so I thought. But after my first class in EDBE 8Y01 I quickly learned that the mini research session I had been putting off was going to have to happen, because I had to do my very own Genius Hour! After five minutes of research I realized that a Genius Hour isn't actually as scary as it sounds, and has the potential to be a really great tool in the classroom!

     Firstly, it is helpful to know that Genius Hour is considered a movement, derived from the 80/20 work ethic method originally pursued by Google Headquarters. Google saw a massive increase in efficiency when their employees were instructed to spend 80% of their time working on work-related tasks, and 20% of their time investing in things they were personally passionate about. As the rest of the world caught wind of this successful methodology, educators began to give it a try in their classrooms, and experienced the same degree of success.

     So, in simpler terms, a Genius Hour is a movement that enables and empowers students to use a given amount of time to research, collect evidence, and report back about a topic they are personally passionate about. Genius Hour is a great way to integrate creativity and empowerment into the classroom, and I am excited to give it a try myself!

2. Who on Earth are YOU?

I'm Jess!

     I am a 22 year old Brock University student enrolled in the Primary/Junior Concurrent Education Program - so basically, I'm in school to be a teacher for grades K-6. After the most crazy and best summer of my life, I am just starting my second week of teachers college (5th year) back at Brock. Why was my summer so crazy and amazing, asked no-one? Well, I got married! I spent my summer working,  planning, and preparing for the wedding of my dreams. Once August 17th finally rolled around, I got married, went on my honeymoon, and came back to Canada/reality to start school.

     But, now that the wedding is over I'm able to resume normal life and get back into the hobbies and activities I enjoy most - yay! Outside of my passion for working with and caring for young children and learners, I have a variety of activities that I L-O-V-E...

     Although this hobby is not one I would generally use to describe myself, I believe that it is the reason I am able to achieve and maintain balance in my life: fitness. I would have to say that fitness and healthy living play a big role in my day-to-day life. Staying active and eating right (most of the time), help keep my mind and body feeling great. I recently re-discovered my love for running, and over the past year have been running 4k four times a week, and try to mix in a variety of other (less intense) workouts into my week.

But running is kind of boring to read about, so now for the good stuff:

     I am mega-passionate about interior design, DIY projects, and anything to do with aesthetics. I believe that making a space beautiful, personal, and aesthetically pleasing is key to feeling comfortable and being efficient within that space. This past summer I was in my glory making frequent trips to the thrift store in search of vintage finds, unique decor, and old furniture I could re-finish and DIY for my husband and I's new apartment. I will shamelessly admit that the apartment was decorated before the moving boxes were unpacked.

     In addition to this, I am very into fashion, makeup, and hair styling. My personal styles fluctuates from girly to street to business casual - sometimes all in one day. As a relatively shy person, I think fashion is a fun way to express myself, stand out, and push my comfort zones - without having to say too much. In a similar sense, my love for makeup plays a similar role in my life. Early in my high school years I discovered makeup and the youtube community. Since then, I have learned techniques and skills that I can use to create makeup looks that add a fun element to everyday life, and yet another way to express myself. Although I personally don't sport dramatic looks too often, I enjoy creating looks that enhance natural features, and tend to focus on perfecting my technique. Applying makeup in the morning is something I always look forward to as I find it exciting and therapeutic.

Fun fact: I am contemplating going to makeup or hair school to become certified after I graduate at Brock!

     Finally, I will end with talking about my love for finding old things and making them new again. Whether it be furniture, clothing, decor, or trinkets and collectables, I love making dated things modern again through do-it-yourself projects. Much of my wardrobe, home decor, and furniture was used and thrifted before I found a way to make it 'new' again. I love the idea of having history in the things you surround yourself with, and not to mention the sustainability of this hobby! I end with this  because I will be doing my Genius Hour on something within the DIY, old-made-new again realm, and I can't wait to make a post about it!
As I continue to work on my genius hour project in the coming weeks, I will focus in on the following question of intent: how can I make old things new again through DIY projects?

Anyways, judging by the length of this post I have come to two conclusions:

1. I need to end this post
2. I actually like blogging? Weird.

On that note,

See ya!

- JD

Bored Already?

Here are some things to keep you busy until my next post:

Follow my Pinterest by clicking the link! Here, you will find unique education-based ideas that add critical value to any classroom, and get to know me, the blogger behind this page, a little better!

Click me! -->   https://www.pinterest.ca/jessropp97/


Watch one of my favourite TED Talk videos about education! I first saw this video in second year of university, and it has resonated with me ever since!

Click the link below to access the Genius Hour Evaluation Form:


Click the link below to follow along with my TPACK Quest Journey:
