My Artifacts

Follow the link below to visit my Voki creation!
Voki is a creative teaching tool for Primary/Junior Learners that allows you to choose a face or image to deliver content. Basically, you select an image to do the talking, and then insert the desired content/message by typing what you want the image to say in the text-box provided. You can also use audio files to achieve the same outcome. Voki offers an alternative way to deliver content, and lesson plan, making lessons more interesting and engaging for young learners!

Check out Voki:

Another Useful Tool...

A stop-motion animation is another alternative to a 'regular' (aka booooring) slideshow.
Check out my first attempt at a stop-motion animation below - there is definitely some room for me to improve, but I had fun experimenting with this tool!


  1. Hey! I thought that your movie trailer was fantastic! It was creative and unique and highlighted your Genius Hour project really well!


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