My Project

The Final Product:

     The funny thing about my GH project is that there isn't really a 'final' image to show. Each week I worked toward making something old into something new again, which resulted in a new product each week. Although there were certain weeks that I would personally deem more successful than others, I believe that the 'unsuccessful' weeks are where I learned the most valuable lessons.
     As mentioned in my TED talk, DIY projects was a genius hour topic that offered many benefits and downfalls. I think it should be noted that, from my personal experience, choosing DIY's as a topic did not allow for a lot of work in the research department. Due to the fact that DIY's are rooted in experimenting with trial and error, research is not really needed. Because of this, I chose to use research as a way to find sources of inspiration, rather than 'learn more' about DIY's. However, with that being said, I believe that one of the major benefits of choosing DIY's as my GH topic is that I learned a lot about myself and the world of DIY through the actual participation process. I had never had to complete a DIY project by a specific deadline before, so I quickly learned that relying on thrift stores as a source of material is not a smart move. Additionally, I discovered that DIY's, in my opinion, are best kept as leisure projects sparked from my own personal interest. Over this GH journey my creative abilities were tested, and I discovered that I am capable of much more that I initially gave myself credit for. Summatively, you could say that I further solidified my initial belief that I create my best work when it is initiated by none other than myself, through pure interest and passion.
     Conclusively, this GH project allowed me to explore and discover more about the realm of DIY, and helped me come to the conclusion that some hobbies are best kept as passion projects, away from forced deadlines and pressure.


Glass jar/vase DIY inspiration photo: 

Glass jar/vase DIY step-by-step video:

Information regarding stain removing varnish:

The pinterest page I found myself turning to for inspiration:[]=diy%7Cautocomplete%7C0&term_meta[]=projects%7Cautocomplete%7C0

Information on spray-on top coat:
